Labor Day (2017)
In observance of Labor Day, both Cind-R-Lite locations will be closed Monday, September 4th, 2017. We will re-open Tuesday, September 5th, 2017. Have a great holiday weekend!
July 4th (2017)
In observance of Independence day, we will be closed Monday July 3rd, 2017 and Tuesday July 4th, 2017 at both Cind-R-lite locations. We will return Wednesday July 5th, 2017. Have a safe holiday.
Presidents Day (2017)
In observance of Presidents Day, both Cind-R-lite locations will be closed Monday, February 20th, 2017. We will re-open Tuesday, February 21st, 2017. Have a great holiday weekend!
Come see our block display at the Besser booth @ World of Concrete 2017!
Please come visit the Besser™ Booth at World of Concrete 2017, booth number N1325. There you will be able to see a display of our Cind-R-lite products such as Precision Block, Split Face, Shot Blast, and Slump Block. We also have an array of colors on display that our block can be created in.
First Las Vegas community built using carbon foot print reduction by Cind-R-Lite with CarbonCure™ Concrete Masonry Units
Chandler Park by KB Homes, is the first community to be built using CarbonCure™ Block by Cind-R-Lite. The CMU (Concrete Masonry Unit) produced for this project has recycled CO2 (a greenhouse gas) in every block. This CO2 permanently binds with the concrete block and can never escape.
Chandler Park is a gated residential community located in Southwest Las Vegas. The community is close to downtown Summerlin and near Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area.
The amount of CO2 recycled in the CMU used in the Chandler Park Residential Project is equivalent to the amount of CO2 sequestered in 29 tree seedlings grown for 10 years.The CO2 used for this project was captured from an oil refinery.
For more information please visit
Thanksgiving (2016)
In observance of the Thanksgiving holiday both Cind-R-lite locations will be closed Thursday 11/24 and Friday 11/25. Re-opening Monday 11/28.
End of the year sale
Starting today we are having a sale on old stock items in the yard. Save up to 70% on certain items. Call for Available inventory and pricing. This is a first come first serve sale.
Click on link below to see full list of items available during this sale.
Call us 702-651-1550
Solids and Caps
4x4x16 Solid
8x4x16 Solid V Groove
6x4x16 Solid V Groove
12x4x16 Solid V Groove
8x4x16 Solid
8x4x16 Beveled Solid
10x4x16 Solid
16x8x16 Solid Beveled
6x2x16 Caps/Slabs
8x2x16 Caps/Slab
8x4x16 Slump
8x4x8 Slump
6x4x16 Slump
6x6x8 Slump
8x6x8 Slump
6x6x8 Slump
6x6x16 Sump
8x6x16 Slump
12x6x16 Slump
Standard Block
6x4x16 Regular
8x4x16 Regular
6x6x8 Half Block
6x6x16 Regular
8x6x16 Regular
6x8x16 Solid Bottom
8x6x16 Regular
8x8x16 Regular
8x8x8 U Block
8x8x8 Half Block
6x8x8 Half Block
6x8x8 Interlock
10x8x16 L Block
10x8x8 Half Block
10x8x16 Regular
10x8x16 H Block
10x8x16 A Block
12x8x8 Half Block
12x8x8 U Block
12x4x8 Regular
12x8x16 Regular
12x8x16 Bond Beam
16x8x16 O Block
Split-Face Block
6x8x8 Split-face 1 side
6x6x16 Split-face 1 side
6x6x8 Split-face 1 side
6x6x16 Split-face 2 side
8x6x16 Split-face 1 side
8x6x16 Split-face 1 side 1 end
8x6x8 Split-face 1 side
12x8x16 Split-face 1 side
12x8x8 Split-face 1 side
8x8x16 Split-face 1 side 1 end
8x8x16 Spit-face 1 side
8x8x16 Split-face 1 side 2 end
8x8x16 Split-face 2 side 1 end
8x8x16 Split-face 2 side
6x8x16 Fluted
8x8x16 Fluted
Bullnose Block
6x8x8 Double Bullnose
8x8x8 Double Bullnose
8x8x8 Single Bullnose
6x8x16 Double Bullnose
8x8x16 Double Bullnose
8x8x16 Single Bullnose
12x8x8 Single Bullnose
12x8x16 Double Bullnose
Featured Product of the Summer – Country Stone
Summer is here! Design the backyard you have always wanted with our mortarless Country Stone garden wall units.
Available in six beautiful colors.

Photo Courtesy of Rockwood